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Vikings Before Vikings
The Divided Sea
The Assignment
Copper ships
The Epilogue
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Café & Bar
Guided tours and event
The Swedish diving history association
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Museum shop
Map of wrecks
Film about the museum
Äpplet - new findings
Äpplet – Vasa's sister ship
Vasa's sister ship found
Vrak - the story of a new museum
Digital tour of Vrak
The Crown Princess visits iron laden shipwreck
About the museum - Swedish
Archeology beneath the surface
Diving at the Osmund wreck
Looting in the Baltic Sea
How to protect the Osmund wreck
Exhibition construction begins
Karlskrona's hidden defense
Boat Hall 2, Stockholm 2019
What wood can tell you
Diving on Resande man
A painting speaks – in the footsteps of Andreas Bjugg
A new museum is about to open
New Museum about wrecks in the Baltic Sea
Ongoing survey in Vaxholm
Take a peek into the museum (Kulturnatt Stockholm 2021)
There are severe penalties for these crimes
Here is the junk on seabed in Stockholm
Vrak and Sunnadalskolan
Robert Leys premiärtur
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Maritime archaeology
What a maritime archaeologist does
Maritime archaeology fieldwork
Maps and written sources
Dating and preservation
Dive Parks
Dalarö Dive Park
Axmar Bruk
Research and collaboration
The Lost Navy – Diving Deep into an Unwritten Maritime History
Archaeology services
Reports and publications
Books from Vrak
The unique Baltic Sea
The Heritage Conservation Act
Vasa and science
Wreck Diving in Swedish Waters
Oldest carvel-built ship in Nordics found
More safety with custom built boat
Download our magazine for free
Winter Holiday fun at Vrak
The earliest boats
ROV - The Maritime Archeaologists helper
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Vikings are coming - to Vrak!
A new chapter in the investigation of Gustav Vasa’s Kraveln
Summer at Vrak 2024
Iron finds from the time of Gustav Vasa now recovered
Vrak's book freely available
Two steamships declared ancient monuments
Vrak investigates shipwreck Gribshunden
New mysteries of Äpplet unfold
Vrak is renovating
Viking Age wreck finds in harbour environments
How many wrecks are there in the Baltic Sea?
Autumn at Vrak
Summer at Vrak
The museum is open
News 2023
Vrak investigates ships in Häringe’s waters
Burned ships of the Viking age
Viking age ships in Sweden
Häringe – Shipwreck and pile barrier
Scupltures from Äpplet found
Vrak investigates Vesta on the Uppland Coast
Dives at Prosper
Bulverket - a Town Upon the Lake
Environmentally hazardous wrecks
Podcast about Äpplet
The Salvage of Vasa in a New Light
Historical shipwrecks found in Norway
News 2022
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