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Download the Vrak Magazine

The Vrak Magazine is now free for download at our web site! Here you’ll get the latest scientific updates about the History beneath the surface and get to know the people who made the discoveries

In the first issue of Vrak Magazine, you can dive into the story of the warship Gribshunden, meet Carl Olof Cederlund who was involved in the excavation of Vasa, or learn about the pile barriers used to defend against enemy ships. The magazine also contains tips on cool gadgets for young and old beach goers and personal portraits.

More pieces from the magazine

  • Control, Crown and Church
  • Äpplet – Vasa´s sister ship
  • The Lovund Boat

Vrak Magazine can be downloaded from our library page in pdf format.

The Vrak museum wishes all our visitors happy holidays and hope you enjoy this deep reading.