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Press room

Welcome to Vrak – Museum of Wrecks’ press room. Here you will find our press releases and press images. Please contact us if you are missing something or would like to know more.
Illustration över Vrak 5 hur skeppet ligger på bottnen
Press release

Oldest carvel-built ship from the Nordic countries discovered

Maritime archaeologists from the Museum of Wrecks have investigated a shipwreck that may be the oldest known carvel-built vessel from the Nordic region.
Maritime archaeologists from the Museum of Wrecks have investigated a shipwreck that may be the oldest known carvel-buil...
Logo for Press Release - Vikings before Vikings
Press release

Vikings are coming to Vrak – Museum of Wrecks

The beginning of the Viking Age is usually dated to the year 793 when Norwegian Vikings looted the Lindisfarne monastery in England, but findings from ship burials from Salme on the island Saaremaa in Estonia show that Vikings from what is today Sweden made armed expeditions to the Baltics already before the end of the 8th century.
The beginning of the Viking Age is usually dated to the year 793 when Norwegian Vikings looted the Lindisfarne monastery...
Press release

New mysteries of Äpplet unfold

Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and the Swedish Navy have teamed up to further investigate Äpplet, Vasa’s sister ship. What have they uncovered?
Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and the Swedish Navy have teamed up to further investigate Äpplet, ...
Press release

Sculptures from Äpplet shipwreck discovered

Just over a year after Vasa’s sister ship Äpplet was discovered by maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and the Swedish navy, new investigations reveal startling new finds.
Just over a year after Vasa’s sister ship Äpplet was discovered by maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks ...
Bubblor i Östersjön/Bubbles in the Baltic Sea
Press release

Invitation to press briefing: Startling maritime discoveries made

Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks, together with the Swedish Navy, have made unexpected new discoveries during dives on the 17-century shipwreck Äpplet.
Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks, together with the Swedish Navy, have made unexpected new discoveri...
Kanonport Äpplet/Gunport Äpplet (low)
Press release

Vasa’s sister ship Äpplet discovered – world-unique find

Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks have discovered the wreck of Äpplet (the Apple), a 17th century warship. Launched in 1629, Äpplet was built by the same shipbuilder as the warship Vasa one year earlier. Measurement data, the ship’s technical details, wood samples and archival data confirm that it is indeed Äpplet, Vasa’s sister ship.
Maritime archaeologists from Vrak – Museum of Wrecks have discovered the wreck of Äpplet (the Apple), a 17th century war...
Bubblor i Östersjön/Bubbles in the Baltic Sea
Press release

Press conference: New spectacular shipwreck – A one-of-a-kind find

On Monday, 24 October, the Museum of Wrecks’ maritime archaeologists, together with Ewa Skoog Haslum, chief of the Swedish Navy, will present a world-unique shipwreck that was found outside Vaxholm.
On Monday, 24 October, the Museum of Wrecks’ maritime archaeologists, together with Ewa Skoog Haslum, chief of the Swedi...
Swedish Crown Princess Victoria recently accompanied Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and Jernkontoret out into the Stockholm archipelago.
Press release

The Crown Princess gets rock-solid knowledge at Museum of Wrecks

Swedish Crown Princess Victoria recently accompanied Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and Jernkontoret out into the Stockholm archipelago to find out more about the Baltic Sea’s shipwrecks and remains, especially the Osmund wreck, which sank in the 1500s and was carrying so-called osmund iron.
Swedish Crown Princess Victoria recently accompanied Vrak – Museum of Wrecks and Jernkontoret out into the Stockholm arc...
Kronojakten Simpan
Press release

Six warships from 17th and 18th centuries identified outside Karlskrona

Maritime archaeologists at the Museum of Wrecks recently explored and identified six shipwrecks at the bottom of Blekinge’s archipelago. The ships were sunk in the Djupasund strait outside the strategic naval city of Karlskrona to protect the city and prevent attacks by sea. These amazing wrecks will be part of a planned dive park at Karlskrona, a designated World Heritage Site.
Maritime archaeologists at the Museum of Wrecks recently explored and identified six shipwrecks at the bottom of Bleking...
Eroderade pålar med med marinarkeolog i bakgrunden
Press release

1,000-year-old underwater barrier discovered in Blekinge

A previously unknown barrier installation, made of timber carved in the winter of 1113, has been discovered near Karlskrona in Blekinge. Thousands of wooden piles were driven into the seabed, and during the late Viking Age and early Middle Ages defended the entrance to the river Lyckebyån in what was then Denmark. The church, the king and the local elite all wanted to gain control over the area, and the barrier likely played a vital role in preventing intruders from coming ashore, perhaps to plunder or disrupt crucial iron exporting along the river.
A previously unknown barrier installation, made of timber carved in the winter of 1113, has been discovered near Karlskr...

Press contact

Mikael Dunker
Communications Officer
Telephone: +46 8 519 549 99

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